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At The Sound Room, we have a team of very passionate employees who not only sell the products we sell, but also love them and use them at their homes. Each year, we reach out to our sales team and ask them what items they would love unwrap this holiday season. You should see the smiles on their faces as they think through the items and what they’d like to add to their audiophile collection. It’s pretty hard to get each person to narrow it down to just ONE item, but we managed!

If you’re looking for the perfect gift, look no further. We have combed through our stock and pulled together the best items to gift this year. You’ll make someone (maybe yourself) very, very happy with these holiday gifts.

And now, without any further ado, here is The Sound Room’s 2016 Holiday Gift Guide!


Jim Kuhlmeyer:
Rotel RA 1592

This 200 watt per channel integrated amplifier is a wonderful new product we’re carrying at The Sound Room that I would LOVE to receive as a gift this year. It’s one of the best sounding integrated amps. It’s unique because of the 200 watts. Most amplifiers only have 1/2 that amount of wattage. The Rotel RA 1592 can drive virtually any speaker, sounds great and is super powerful. If you want to buy me or a gift (or any music lover in your life) look no further than the Rotel RA 1592.


Rachael Crowell:
C4 Lighting Control for Home
When you have kids, you are bound to get up in the middle of the night. Trust me, this happens much more often than I would like to admit. The worst thing is waking up and turning on the hall light to be blinded, but you don’t want to walk around in the dark and risk stepping on a Lego or slipping on a story time book. With C4 lighting controls, you can program the lights to come on dimmed to 30% between certain hours (let’s say midnight-5:00am). That sounds like my dreams come true! You can even turn the lights on or off from your phone when not at home, which will bring you great peace of mind.


Justin Reeve:
Sony Z Series TV
I was perfectly happy with my current TV until we hung The Sound Room display for the new Z Series from Sony. I always appreciated the picture quality of OLED sets, but limiting the size to 65 inches is just not an option for me (my living room wall is much bigger than that). Not only is this the first TV I have seen that truly outperforms the OLED sets in every way (and the Pioneer Kuro in case any hold-outs are wondering), but now I can get a 75 or even a 100 inch screen! I’ve been dropping hints, so hopefully my wife will catch on soon…hint, hint Kelly…


Aaron Blake:
Totem Tribe III On-Wall Speaker
If I had to narrow it down to just one gift this year, I would want the Totem Tribe III. These are the best on-wall speakers I have ever seen! The high-gloss finish is so exquisitely executed, I would be happy to just stare at them all day long. It also happens that these speakers are the be on-wall speakers I’ve ever HEARD. The sound is so natural and powerful, that a subwoofer isn’t really necessary, just a nice compliment. The Totem Tribe III does not compromise performance for aesthetics, the way many on-wall speakers do. I can’t recommend them enough! I’d these and the matching Tribe on-wall sub for my living room 2 Channel/TV system.

Stay tuned for Part 2 of our Holiday Gift Guide!

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