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Our employees often have amazing stories about projects they’re working on or reasons why their clients chose The Sound Room. Here is a brief snapshot at 3 of our latest projects from our employee’s point of view.

Andy Hauck:

Clients often tell us they want a new TV installed over their existing fireplace but they do not want to see the wires and do not want to worry about patching holes and repainting walls.  While it is not always possible, we can often retro fit wiring and power where they are needed without creating any additional holes or requiring patching and painting.

We recently installed a TV and surround system for a client who owned a 20 year old home in the Chesterfield area.  The client wanted the TV installed over a wood burning fireplace with a full brick chimney and to have all the equipment hidden away in the existing cabinets.  Our installers were able to retro fit all the necessary wiring without cutting extra holes.  The whole project took less than a day to install and program and the client was thrilled with the outcome.  Here are a few pictures of the before, during and after. 

Jim Kuhlmeyer:

My client was is very particular about how things look and her Living Room cabinet was a spaghetti mess and even though when the door was closed she could not see the mess she wanted it cleaned up. We took everything out and rewired her system and wire tied everything together and it looked like something an artist had been involved with. You can go ahead and call us home technology artists!

We also wired all of her amps for her Audio Distribution System into a Rack in her basement and she was tickled pink on how neat and tidy everything was, even though this was in an unfinished area.

We are currently involved with a 2nd project for her, A Gym area that we are doing the TV and Sound. We are excited to share more about this project, stay tuned to see more!

Aaron Blake:

I had a client purchase a 32” TV for her mother for her bedroom. She wanted to be able to watch the news and catch up on her TV shows before going to sleep.
Even though this was the nicest Sony 32” TV we had to offer, it suffers from the same problems that all flat panels face, the speakers are too tiny and on the back of the TV. Since the client was in her early 80’s, she couldn’t hear the TV if the furnace or ac was running. I suggested using the Bose Solo ($449) to solve their problem. I had a hole in my schedule, so I met her son-in-law at her condo, hooked up the unit and tied the volume to her cable box remote. It was an instant success! She could hear everything on the news and her shows. She was so happy she sent me a personal thank you note a couple of days later & her daughter called to say thanks as well.


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