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Why You Shouldn't Use Amazon Echoes for Multi-Room Audio

Wood finish Sonetto bookshelf speaker sitting on a counter alongside a turntable.

Explore the Benefits of a Professionally Installed Multi-Room Audio System

When Alexa first hit the scene in 2014, it was an instant game-changer in our industry. For years, clients wanted to incorporate voice control into their home automation systems, but the traditional platforms didn't make it easy. Not only was Alexa much easier to use, but we quickly found ways to incorporate it into our installations. That is to say, we have nothing against Alexa and other smart assistant speakers. 

The problem is that we're seeing more and more people settling for Alexa or other smart speakers as the foundation of their multi-room audio systems. We don't entirely blame them when setting up is so easy. But there are many reasons why we recommend our clients in the St. Louis metro area upgrade to a better solution. 


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