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17373 Chesterfield Airport Rd, Chesterfield, MO 63005

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The Power of Zones: Whole-Home Audio for the Entire Family

Bedroom with a small couch at the foot of the bed facing a fireplace and wall-mounted TV showing the Control4 interface.

Create a Customized Listening Experience Throughout Your Home

Sound, particularly music, has the power to transform your mood in an instant. Research shows music is so powerful that it helps you through sad feelings and even improves recovery after surgery. It also showed that for some people, sad music worsened their anxiety or depression. 

Music and sound will affect people differently. It's one of the reasons that our whole-home audio solutions include dedicated zones, so it's easy for family members to play the music they want without imposing their choice on the rest of the house.  

Below, we outline how these zones work, and we provide examples of some of our clients' most commonly used ones in Chesterfield, MO.



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